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Wavy Gravy is a disguise used by Mr. Burns to infiltrate a gang of hippies.


He had brown hair, played guitar, and wore a peace symbol necklace.


As Mr. Burns was drowning in his bathtub, his life began to flash before his eyes. In one flashback, two Greenpeace members were preparing to sink a ship carrying huge amounts of nuclear waste. However, as they prepared to do so, a man called "Wavy Gravy" on their boat revealed himself to actually be Mr. Burns in disguise, using a bong to smoke "harmless tobacco" rather than marijuana. Burns then sank their boat by putting a hole into the boat. He then escaped by swimming away.



  • In real life, Wavy Gravy was a prominent figure in the "hippie" movement, however, the way it is presented in The Simpsons leaves it unclear as to whether there ever was a real Wavy Gravy in-universe.