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We're on the Road to D'oh-where |
- This episode disproves the common fan theory that Springfield is in Oregon because Homer must drive to Oregon from Springfield's location.
- On the Simpsons' website; it stated that this episode aired on the same date but originally in 2005. This has since been corrected.
- Unlike in season 5 episode 10 when coin slots are heard before the "in association with", the "shh" and the people talking, as well as the normal Gracie Films theme is heard after the credits.
- What Homer asked for when ordering a meal that included bacon: a bacon nose, bacon hair, bacon mustache, bacon bits for a five o'clock shadow, and a bacon body.
- It's never explained in the episode why Marge was arrested, but the drug selling highly hints her arrest as selling drugs is illegal without a license.
- The Springfield Elementary band play and hum the song that played during the closing credits of Homer Goes to College.
- When trying to get back to Bart, Homer goes through a four leaf clover road and accidentally exits to keep going to Las Vegas.
- Homer destroys Matt Groening's house when leaving the camp.
- After Bart and Milhouse mess around in the steam room, the steam causes a few things at the school: making the air machines spit out the caps to spray steam (Skinner runs and shouts "STEAM"), turning Martin's hair into an afro (Nelson then calls him new kid and beats him up), frogs that are going to be dissected resurrect (then attack the students), rusting the band instruments (Largo then tells the students to go Acapalla), water fountain spray warm water and the vending machines to spray air (when Willie tries to cool off), and causing the school to become a damp jungle (everyone is outside with the exception of Bart and Milhouse).
- After the school was evacuated, Milhouse was seen in front of the school with other students. However, he was still in steam tunnels with Bart at that time, so he couldn't be outside.
- Bart is too young to go to a casino so why would Homer take him there? Because Homer is not a good father.
- Whenever Bart lifts the car back up to make Homer sound pityfull, his mouth disappears, then reappears when putting the car down.
- Lisa wouldn't be able to get a job to support herself and Maggie because of her age and child labor laws. Most Springfielders are either really stupid or really greedy, and who's to say that Lisa can't lie about her age in order to find work? Besides, Bart got jobs in episodes such as "Lisa the Tree Hugger" and "Bart the Murderer", as well as Nelson later owning a bike shop in which he employed people later on in "Loan-a Lisa".
- Also, Lisa would never have been left alone with Maggie as possibly the Flanders clan wouldve looked after Lisa with both parents missing or possibly Patty and Selma.
- In one scene, Wendell was sitting in his classroom. Two scenes later, he was practicing with the school band in another classroom.
- Janey can be seen in Miss Krabappel's class, even though she is actually in Miss Hoover's class.
- Much like Wendell, she can also be seen practicing with the school band in another classroom two scenes later. This is ok because the band is at a different time and is made up of kids from multiple classes and grades as seen in the opening credits Lisa is there as well as Milhouse, Sherri and Terri, as well as kids that are younger looking and/or not even part of the recurring known foreground cast.
- Lisa already knew that it was Bart and not the dog who cut off her dolls' heads as revealed in "Bart vs. Lisa vs. the Third Grade" or "Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore" as in the latter episode Bart returned Lisa the head.
- Homer shouldn't be able to go to Las Vegas, as he was banned from there (along with his neighbor Ned) in "Viva Ned Flanders", 7 seasons earlier. Either the ban was most likely lifted, this episode takes place before that episode, or maybe Homer was put in jail not just for the fight with the pit boss, but because the cops recognized him from "Viva Ned Flanders" and jailed him.
Cultural References[]
- The song Flanders sings is the chorus from the hit Andrew Lloyd Webber musical Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat.
- The rings circling Fun Homer are a parody of the energy cage rings that encircled General Zod and his two minions during their sentencing at the beginning of Superman II.
- The scene where Skinner runs through the hallway as valves are popping out of the air conditioners is a reference to Raiders of the Lost Ark.
- Intellectual Homer, who has been killed by Serious Homer, has written on the floor in his own blood "Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny". This is the famous statement of Ernst Haeckel's recapitulation theory about the similarity of the embryonic development of organisms to its evolutionary history. Ironically, it has been debunked as a scientific principle. Presumably, Intellectual Homer wrote this before it was debunked, a testament to how long he had been dead.
Previous Episode References[]
- Sunday Cruddy Sunday and Maximum Homerdrive: Homer and Bart go on a road trip while Marge and Lisa stay home and try to do something fun.
- The Secret War of Lisa Simpson: Bart plays a destructive prank and is punished by going to a school for wayward/troublemaking kids.
- My Sister, My Sitter: Lisa is left alone to care for Maggie.
- Homer Alone, Marge in Chains, and Co-Dependent's Day: Marge gets arrested.
- Homer Alone only: Two people in the Simpson family are left to care for each other (Homer and Maggie/Lisa and Maggie).
- Viva Ned Flanders: Homer goes to Las Vegas.
- Kill the Alligator and Run:
- "Louie, Louie" is sung/played.
- Homer ends up incarcerated outside of whatever state Springfield is in.
- "Bart vs. Lisa vs. the Third Grade" and "Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore": Lisa discovers that Bart decapitated her dolls.
- Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore and A Milhouse Divided: The van Houtens' divorce affects Milhouse's mental health.
- The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson, Who Shot Mr. Burns, part one, Simpson Tide, and Bart the Mother: Homer's screaming can be heard from far away.
- So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show, Homer Loves Flanders, Lisa the Simpson, and HOMR: Homer's stupidity is explained (the coma destroyed nearly half of his brainpower/Bart explains that being a loser is genetic/Grampa Simpson tells Lisa about The Simpson Gene/Homer had a crayon stuck in his head ever since he was a kid/Serious Homer killed Intellectual Homer)
- Whacking Day: A visual gag showing the inner workings of Homer's psyche (Evil Homer dancing on Good Homer's grave/Serious Homer imprisoning Fun Homer and killing Intellectual Homer).
- "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire" and "Homer vs. Dignity": Homer's credit card gets declined.
- Sideshow Bob Roberts: Birch Barlow (Springfield's answer to conservative radio talk show host, Rush Limbaugh) appears
- "$pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)":
- An episode ends with a casino/Vegas big band version of The Simpsons theme song.
- Bart goes to a casino, despite being underage.
- "Skinner's Sense of Snow": Homer imagines Bart as a woman (the belly dancer from his carbon monoxide hallucination/the casino waitress when Homer starts feeling guilty about leaving Bart at Upward Bound).
- Mom and Pop Art: Homer makes a disparaging comment about series creator Matt Groening.
- Behind the Laughter: A popular voice actor from an international dub of The Simpsons (Carlos Revilla from the European Spanish dub/Elizabeth Volkmann from the German dub) dies and the last episode they did is dedicated to their memory.