Simpsons Wiki
ā—„ Blame It on Lisa
Weekend at Burnsie's
Gump Roast ā–ŗ
Ned Flanders: Hi-diddly-ho, Homer.
Homer: Oh my God! This dude does the best Flanders!

Homer: Oops, I thought this was the can, man. Hahahahahahah.
Mr Burns: Well, you're a happy Homer. What's your name, young man?
Homer: You just said it! (Homer starts laughing)
Mr Burns: Hehehe, well if you like that, listen to this. Working hard, or hardly working?
(Homer laughs even harder)

Marge: Where did you get that suit?
Homer: Whoa, whoa! One question at a time!
Marge: Yes, you? Look, I'm really starting to worry. There's half-eaten cupcakes everywhere. We're all out of paper clips. And the curtains smell like doob.
Homer: Oh, yeah? Well, I got news for you! I just got promoted, and it's all thanks to Yes-I-CANnabis!

Lisa: [drowsy] Dad, it's 1:00 AM and I've ran out of saliva.

Homer: Hey, I've got a question for you. Could Jesus microwave a burrito so hot that he himself could not eat it.
Ned: Well sure of course, he could, but then againā€¦ wow as melon scratchers go, that's a honey doodle.
Homer: Now you know what I've been going through.

Marge: Helloā€¦
Homer: Marge, I just realized I'm the "ow" in the word low. And if you tell anyone...
Marge: Honey, I like it when you call, but we just talked five minutes ago. Hang on, I've got call waitingā€¦ Hello?
Homer: Hey, it's me. I've got Marge on the other line and she is totally bumming me out.

Homer: Oh no, we killed Mr. Burns. Mr. Burns is gonna be so angry!

Page McConnell: (of Phish) And now, a man who's a real poe-thead, I'm sorry, pot-head, Homer Simpson!

ā—„ Season 12 Season 13 Quotes Season 14 ā–ŗ
Treehouse of Horror XII ā€¢ The Parent Rap ā€¢ Homer the Moe ā€¢ A Hunka Hunka Burns in Love ā€¢ The Blunder Years ā€¢ She of Little Faith ā€¢ Brawl in the Family ā€¢ Sweets and Sour Marge ā€¢ Jaws Wired Shut ā€¢ Half-Decent Proposal ā€¢ The Bart Wants What it Wants ā€¢ The Lastest Gun in the West ā€¢ The Old Man and the Key ā€¢ Tales from the Public Domain ā€¢ Blame it on Lisa ā€¢ Weekend at Burnsie's ā€¢ Gump Roast ā€¢ I Am Furious (Yellow) ā€¢ The Sweetest Apu ā€¢ Little Girl in the Big Ten ā€¢ The Frying Game ā€¢ Poppa's Got a Brand New Badge