When Marge and Lisa start a charity together, Marge is seduced by the money and prestige of Big Charity fundraising.
Homer bet and is watching the sports game, Springfield Atoms. When he praised the Atoms loss and celebrated, he slipped and dropped a ring into a floorboard and went after to retrieve his ring under the house. He crawls under the house to find a ring, but he encountered a skunk and more skunks as he's crawling back and telling Marge and children before the stinks attacks him. Bart and Lisa are laughing that Homer got attacked by the skunks. Outside, Marge takes his clothes to clean it with a bag cleaning, so she doesn't have to use the washing machine.
At Springfield Squidport Beach, Lisa tells Marge about the pillowcases are blue. She admits that she dyed her hair, and then started handing it out to homeless people. When Gil arrives, she is handing a pillowcase to him and already doing it which his clothes are cleaned. The Rich Texan decides to give it a try and his hat turns black and then gives a charitable donation which she doesn't have a charity when he finds out. Marge and Lisa signed up for a charity, the Lisa M. Simpson Foundation.
The charity worked well until they went out of the baking soda and Marge asked Lisa to get more baking soda from the shop. Lisa is shocked that Marge uses Hand & Armor Baking Soda which is the worst company that supports child labor. She then decides to go to around the world to look for ethically sourced and Homer and Lisa start climbing mountain to Buddhist Temple. While Homer and Lisa getting a baking soda at Buddhist Temple, Marge encountered by a member of The Salvation Army, and he then chases after her. Bernice Hibbert sees and decides to help Marge to raise awareness for the charity and set up an office to sponsor them. When Lisa returns, she is horrified to find that Marge allows the products to become bluewashing and donated from Mr. Burns.
At PQB's, Marge and Lisa have a falling out over that until she tells Lisa that she has been "promoted" to "founder emeritus". Lisa walks off as Squeaky-Voiced Teen calling her name and slaps his face with a sundae as Skinner approaches her. At home, Homer enters her bedroom and Lisa states that she was forced out by her own mother from the charity, and he helps her to get over it. Lisa eventually apologizes to Marge for acting like that and agreed to go to the opening of the Lisa M. Simpson Foundation with her. When Marge is in the limo to the opening center, she all sponsor boards and realizes that Lisa was right, and she doesn't want to walk to on the blue carpet and then ask the limo driver head to back of the center. At the back of the center, Marge finds out that Gil is homeless again since the low-income housing what he lived in was demolished.
Marge stormed into the event and complained that the charity was supposed to help the homeless and then signed over Lisa. Lisa then decided to turn the Lisa M. Simpson Foundation into a homeless shelter for unhousing. Bernice Hibbert told Marge to shut it down, but she opens the back door to let the homeless in and start eating it. Mr. Burns gives a speech about how they're there for charity and he and Smithers then walk off with a table that he paid $10,000 for that. Marge and Lisa got up and Lisa officially signed on as the head of the charity by the cowboy accountant.